Server: KQM | Genshin Impact (763583452762734592)
Channel: leyline-self-aura-infusions (804550581800271873)
Messages: 13
Yuehai Ticketing Secretary#4843 (557628352828014614)
R E T U R N T O Mono K E#8058 (154004693826273280)
keqing rat (denmax)#9293 (140866779894251520)
Doug DimmaDoug#8888 (151885796750786560)
JonahFarc | Git Archon#7056 (143207954814992385)
Neptunya, the one true Nep#8291 (334371668367769601)
KQM | Genshin Impact - leyline-self-aura-infusions
KQM | Genshin Impact
13 messages
Yuehai Ticketing SecretaryBOTJan 29, 2021 3:16 AM
@R E T U R N T O Mono K E Important things to note:
- Check the TCL and the other opened tickets for duplicates
- Upload your evidence in imgur / youtube
- Use the template below for your submission.
- Type $close when ready for review.
Finding: It has been known that you can use self auras to infuse anemo ults (Venti/Sucrose) with elements instead of enemy auras. This happens to include the aura applied by leylines so it allows for elements not present AT ALL otherwise to be practically included in a team.
Significance: With this technique you can infuse elements that are otherwise not present AT ALL within your team or the enemies, allowing for compositions to cheat the matching element into their team at little cost. A current powerful application of this is using this to deal with Hydro Fatui gunner's shield in lieu of bringing an actual electro unit, decreasing the number of constraints on floor 11 team construction if you can't simply kill the Fatui before they put up the shield.
Leyline infusion sucrose demo
Leyline Infusion Venti demo
Yuehai Ticketing SecretaryBOTJan 29, 2021 3:36 AM
Ticket Closed by @R E T U R N T O Mono K E
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keqing rat (denmax)Jan 29, 2021 5:59 PM
If I'm not mistaken this is already particularly well known. A lot of late Abyss F2Ps abuse this effect with Anemo MC, since his/her held E is able to conjure this effect relatively easily. But good find either way! I'm not exactly certain if we have a particular entry in the TCL related to this.(edited)
keqing rat (denmax)Jan 30, 2021 3:14 AM
keqing rat (denmax)Feb 19, 2021 9:48 AM
Just in case, the message above should imply that this is already verified
Doug DimmaDougMar 1, 2021 8:54 AM
This is good evidence to verify what was anecdotally known. We can place it as a reference under a section that describes anemo infusion mechanics. Moved to ready for publish(edited)