Server: KQM | Genshin Impact (763583452762734592) Channel: abyss-herald-cooldown-mechanic (836294244434968646) Messages: 16 Yuehai Ticketing Secretary#4843 (557628352828014614) Monado#9922 (268576077914439680) denmax#9293 (140866779894251520) Grey | Spoondrifting&Backwash#7836 (264018289359847424) Faranight#0001 (66819579678031872) Artesians「KAZUHA SLASH」と読め。#0002 (185216727351558145) KQM | Genshin Impact - abyss-herald-cooldown-mechanic
KQM | Genshin Impact
16 messages
Yuehai Ticketing SecretaryBOTApr 26, 2021 5:34 PM
@Monado - Abyss Herald Cooldown Mechanic As an author, It is your responsibility to complete the ticket - Take advice constructively - NO disrespectful behavior - The ticket will be scrapped if: No activity > 1 week or open for > 1 mo. - When done, type $close
Theory/Finding/Bug: Title of your submission Evidence: Explanations with calculations and/or Youtube/Imgur proofs Significance: Conclusion
MonadoApr 26, 2021 5:34 PM
Abyss Herald Cooldown Mechanic: Finding: The Abyss Herald's cooldown increase debuff is triggered when you are hit by these two attacks: 1. A cross hydro beam. 2. Flurry of slashes before firing hydro beams in all directions, only happens in phase 2 (after he shields up) The cooldown debuff increases all current elemental skill/burst cooldowns by 6 seconds to all members of your party, not just the character who got hit. The cooldown increase is additive 6 seconds and independent of how long the original cooldown of the skill/burst is. The cooldown debuff also only affect elemental skills/bursts that are already on cooldown, so skills/bursts that were not on cooldown when you are inflicted with the cooldown debuff do not have increased cooldowns when you activate them. The cooldown debuff also has no effect on the CD reduction stat (unlike Slowing Water). The cooldown debuff can be avoided by shield and elemental burst iframes. Evidence: Cross hydro beam increases skill cooldown by 6s ( Cross hydro beam increases burst cooldown by 6s ( Cross beam increasing both skill and burst cooldown by 6s ( Flurry to beams increases cooldown by 6s ( Cooldown increase affects everyone in the party, not just the character who got hit ( Using your burst after getting hit is ok (, so debuff only affect abilities already on cooldown. Debuff doesn’t affect CD reduction stat ( Shields block the cooldown debuff ( Burst iframes block the cooldown debuff ( or
0:26, Cross hydro beam increases skill cooldown 1:06, shields block the cooldown debuff 1:50, Cross hydro beam increases burst cooldown 2:55, Cross beam increasing both skill and burst cooldown. 3:06, Flurry to beams increases cooldown 4:17, Cooldown increase doesn’t affect CD reduction stat 5:44, cooldown increase affects everyone in the party...
0:26, Cross hydro beam increases skill cooldown 1:06, shields block the cooldown debuff 1:50, Cross hydro beam increases burst cooldown 2:55, Cross beam increasing both skill and burst cooldown. 3:06, Flurry to beams increases cooldown 4:17, Cooldown increase doesn’t affect CD reduction stat 5:44, cooldown increase affects everyone in the party...
0:26, Cross hydro beam increases skill cooldown 1:06, shields block the cooldown debuff 1:50, Cross hydro beam increases burst cooldown 2:55, Cross beam increasing both skill and burst cooldown. 3:06, Flurry to beams increases cooldown 4:17, Cooldown increase doesn’t affect CD reduction stat 5:44, cooldown increase affects everyone in the party...
0:26, Cross hydro beam increases skill cooldown 1:06, shields block the cooldown debuff 1:50, Cross hydro beam increases burst cooldown 2:55, Cross beam increasing both skill and burst cooldown. 3:06, Flurry to beams increases cooldown 4:17, Cooldown increase doesn’t affect CD reduction stat 5:44, cooldown increase affects everyone in the party...
0:26, Cross hydro beam increases skill cooldown 1:06, shields block the cooldown debuff 1:50, Cross hydro beam increases burst cooldown 2:55, Cross beam increasing both skill and burst cooldown. 3:06, Flurry to beams increases cooldown 4:17, Cooldown increase doesn’t affect CD reduction stat 5:44, cooldown increase affects everyone in the party...
MonadoApr 26, 2021 5:49 PM
Evidence (continued): Showing other attacks don't have the cooldown debuff: Phase 1 combo doesn’t increase cooldown ( Beyblade attack doesn’t increase cooldown ( Regular hydro beam doesn’t increase cooldown ( Phase transition explosion doesn’t affect cooldown ( Phase 2 combo doesn’t increase cooldown ( Significance: the Abyss Herald is due to appear in the 1.5 Abyss according to leaks, so it's worth trying to understand its mechanics better, and which attacks in particular to dodge in order to avoid the cooldown debuff. Especially when cooldown durations will be much more valuable than usual due to the Slowing Water leyline.(edited)
0:26, Cross hydro beam increases skill cooldown 1:06, shields block the cooldown debuff 1:50, Cross hydro beam increases burst cooldown 2:55, Cross beam increasing both skill and burst cooldown. 3:06, Flurry to beams increases cooldown 4:17, Cooldown increase doesn’t affect CD reduction stat 5:44, cooldown increase affects everyone in the party...
0:26, Cross hydro beam increases skill cooldown 1:06, shields block the cooldown debuff 1:50, Cross hydro beam increases burst cooldown 2:55, Cross beam increasing both skill and burst cooldown. 3:06, Flurry to beams increases cooldown 4:17, Cooldown increase doesn’t affect CD reduction stat 5:44, cooldown increase affects everyone in the party...
0:26, Cross hydro beam increases skill cooldown 1:06, shields block the cooldown debuff 1:50, Cross hydro beam increases burst cooldown 2:55, Cross beam increasing both skill and burst cooldown. 3:06, Flurry to beams increases cooldown 4:17, Cooldown increase doesn’t affect CD reduction stat 5:44, cooldown increase affects everyone in the party...
0:26, Cross hydro beam increases skill cooldown 1:06, shields block the cooldown debuff 1:50, Cross hydro beam increases burst cooldown 2:55, Cross beam increasing both skill and burst cooldown. 3:06, Flurry to beams increases cooldown 4:17, Cooldown increase doesn’t affect CD reduction stat 5:44, cooldown increase affects everyone in the party...
0:26, Cross hydro beam increases skill cooldown 1:06, shields block the cooldown debuff 1:50, Cross hydro beam increases burst cooldown 2:55, Cross beam increasing both skill and burst cooldown. 3:06, Flurry to beams increases cooldown 4:17, Cooldown increase doesn’t affect CD reduction stat 5:44, cooldown increase affects everyone in the party...
Yuehai Ticketing SecretaryBOTApr 26, 2021 6:01 PM
Ticket Closed by @Monado
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denmaxApr 27, 2021 1:29 PM
i don't think there's anyone in the current editor team that hasn't already beaten the story quest herald boss Sadge . thus, confirmation of this particular entry might be difficult. it's also possible that this particular mechanic might be tied to just the hydro variant, so if mhy baits and abyss doesn't have a hydro herald available, this might even take longer to confirm, and having a ticket bake far longer than it should is something we are trying to avoid might get back to this at a later date, or might look to consider since a lot of video evidence is being shown anyway(edited)
Grey | Spoondrifting&BackwashApr 27, 2021 1:41 PM
we should get 1.5 abyss in 3 days that's not too far away GanyuSip
Yuehai Ticketing SecretaryBOTApr 27, 2021 3:04 PM
Ticket Opened by @denmax
denmaxMay 1, 2021 6:53 AM
Since we will be having Electro version of Herald for Abyss, will you be testing that too? @Monado(edited)
MonadoMay 1, 2021 9:07 AM
thats the plan, but i might be short on time in the near future so i might update this ticket more slowly or submit this and do another ticket for lector later (assuming no-one else has got to it first)
FaranightMay 13, 2021 8:46 AM
@Monado You mentioned you may be busy, but the abyss is of course out now, so we do have the potential to verify this ticket. If you would like to add in the Lector or otherwise alter it please let me know. If not I will close it for review in 24h, as its current contents are sufficient for a submission.
MonadoMay 13, 2021 2:14 PM
Yeah sorry about this. I'll just close this one for submission. I'll test Lector with another ticket once I find the time for that.
Yuehai Ticketing SecretaryBOTMay 13, 2021 2:14 PM
Ticket Closed by @Monado
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Artesians「KAZUHA SLASH」と読め。May 22, 2021 1:23 AM
Looks like its all good. Verified and moved.
Yuehai Ticketing SecretaryBOTJun 5, 2021 4:15 AM
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