Server: KQM | Genshin Impact (763583452762734592)
Channel: fischl-ult-can-iframe (839862552401674240)
Messages: 41
Yuehai Ticketing Secretary#4843 (557628352828014614)
Edison | 12-2-2 water zoo fk off#6469 (196098382677278720)
K#3689 (373187930463797258)
Aluminum | Harbinger of Jank#5462 (306566993711202305)
Some Missionary#8340 (419122122216964097)
Zei | No longer hish#1074 (760699080153497631)
Greyhound | Cryo Salesman#7836 (264018289359847424)
#)anny#0013 (303226506325262338)
paraszczak#0148 (668187394268201024)
xf3 | close ur tickets#3123 (141941251350986752)
Keqing's Eternal Assistant#1536 (235148962103951360)
KQM | Genshin Impact - fischl-ult-can-iframe
KQM | Genshin Impact
41 messages
Yuehai Ticketing SecretaryBOTMay 6, 2021 1:53 PM
@K - Fischl ult can iframe
As an author, It is your responsibility to complete the ticket
- Take advice constructively
- NO disrespectful behavior
- The ticket will be scrapped if: No activity > 1 week or open for > 1 mo.
- When done, type $close
Theory/Finding/Bug: Title of your submission
Evidence: Explanations with calculations and/or Youtube/Imgur proofs
Significance: Conclusion
Edison | 12-2-2 water zoo fk offMay 6, 2021 1:55 PM
@K it's here mate(edited)
KMay 6, 2021 1:56 PM
Finding: Fischl ult has a tiny window that you can use to iframe through attacks.
Evidence: proof in hp bar. Didn't lose any hp when the ruin guard landed
Significance: This changes everything you can escape death with Fischl iframes
Fischl ult can Iframe
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 6, 2021 1:57 PM
this is unironically pog
Edison | 12-2-2 water zoo fk offMay 6, 2021 1:57 PM
@Zei | No longer hish Is this what you wanted
Some MissionaryMay 6, 2021 1:57 PM
Edison | 12-2-2 water zoo fk offMay 6, 2021 1:58 PM
22 frames you said right? That's like how long a dash is?
Some MissionaryMay 6, 2021 1:58 PM
how long are the iframes active tho
Zei | No longer hishMay 6, 2021 1:59 PM
I think so lmao
Edison | 12-2-2 water zoo fk offMay 6, 2021 1:59 PM
Zei | No longer hishMay 6, 2021 2:00 PM
Are you done with this ticket? if so please close it so that our editors can verify it
KMay 6, 2021 2:04 PM
uhh hold up
lemme send some screenshots ;-;
how to close now ;-;
Greyhound | Cryo SalesmanMay 6, 2021 2:05 PM
how did it take 6 months for this to be found
type $close
Edison | 12-2-2 water zoo fk offMay 6, 2021 2:05 PM
What an image(edited)
Yuehai Ticketing SecretaryBOTMay 6, 2021 2:05 PM
Ticket Closed by @K
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Delete Ticket
Zei | No longer hishMay 6, 2021 2:28 PM
As this is one of my personal requests for footage to be used on the TCL Evidence Vault, I'm verifying that this is true and correct. With this we can now assume that all Character's bursts have iframe on certain parts of the animation.
We will need another editor to verify this ticket for a second opinion. Thank you! (edited)