Server: KQM | Genshin Impact (763583452762734592) Channel: venti-e-hold-visual-error (841955537322246174) Messages: 17 Yuehai Ticketing Secretary#4843 (557628352828014614) Santoryu | Edison still dead#4495 (274583607170039808) Ayzel#7399 (276182497145126912) IMAGINE HAVING XL C4#9407 (217820099845947392) Mono$INVEST₼CRYOARCHONKAEYA#8058 (154004693826273280) Keqing#5757 (807594905249120267) KQM | Genshin Impact - venti-e-hold-visual-error
KQM | Genshin Impact
17 messages
Yuehai Ticketing SecretaryBOTMay 12, 2021 8:30 AM
@Santoryu | Edison still dead - Venti Hold Elemental Skill always lifting vertical As an author, It is your responsibility to complete the ticket - Take advice constructively - NO disrespectful behavior - The ticket will be scrapped if: No activity > 1 week or open for > 1 mo. - When done, type $close
Theory/Finding/Bug: Title of your submission Evidence: Explanations with calculations and/or Youtube/Imgur proofs Significance: Conclusion
Santoryu | Edison still deadMay 12, 2021 8:30 AM
Finding/Bug - Venti's Hold Elemental Skill will always lift you vertically up Evidence: Step 1. Use Venti's Hold E on a flat surface, see what direction you go Step 2. Repeat but have Venti on an incline Step 3. Repeat but have Venti on the very edge of the box This may be considered a bug due to the visual indication being tilted, but the actual windstream being vertical. Significance: When exploring, Venti's Hold Elemental Skill will always lift you up, so positioning or angle of Venti does not matter.
Venti's Hold Elemental Skill will always lift you vertically up
Yuehai Ticketing SecretaryBOTMay 12, 2021 8:31 AM
Ticket Closed by @Santoryu | Edison still dead
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AyzelMay 12, 2021 8:36 AM
lmao i guess it could count as a bug
doesn't really hurt to have it in tcl i guess
IMAGINE HAVING XL C4May 12, 2021 11:00 PM
verified i guess? moving to publishing
!role is dc't
uh hang on
looking for the thing
k!theorycrafter @Santoryu | Edison still dead
KeqingBOTMay 12, 2021 11:05 PM
Added Wangsheng Theorycrafter to @Santoryu | Edison still dead!
IMAGINE HAVING XL C4May 12, 2021 11:05 PM
ah ok
Yuehai Ticketing SecretaryBOTMay 23, 2021 12:59 AM
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