Server: KQM | Genshin Impact (763583452762734592) Channel: amber-ult-overload-inconsistency (842092523408850944) Messages: 74 Yuehai Ticketing Secretary#4843 (557628352828014614) Bobrokrot | Don't invest in ₼BUG#0111 (142979124695138304) Sai || is stupid#3215 (421450585439600646) Aluminum | Harbinger of Jank#5462 (306566993711202305) Ntagama#8306 (476848576530612225) Artesians#0002 (185216727351558145) Mono$INVEST₼CRYOARCHONKAEYA#8058 (154004693826273280) KQM | Genshin Impact - amber-ult-overload-inconsistency
KQM | Genshin Impact
74 messages
Yuehai Ticketing SecretaryBOTMay 12, 2021 5:35 PM
@Bobrokrot | Don't invest in ₼BUG - em icd As an author, It is your responsibility to complete the ticket - Take advice constructively - NO disrespectful behavior - The ticket will be scrapped if: No activity > 1 week or open for > 1 mo. - When done, type $close
Theory/Finding/Bug: Title of your submission Evidence: Explanations with calculations and/or Youtube/Imgur proofs Significance: Conclusion
Bobrokrot | Don't invest in ₼BUGMay 12, 2021 5:37 PM
This is gonna be a banger guys, you can't even imagine how bad mihoyo's code is. keqw
Sai || is stupidMay 12, 2021 5:40 PM
Bobrokrot | Don't invest in ₼BUGMay 12, 2021 5:47 PM
Finding/Bug Amber ult with full EM gear vs Electro Hypostasis can sometimes deal 3 large chunks of damage due to Overload reaction and sometimes 4. Amber 3 overloads Amber 4 overloads
amber 3 overloads
amber 4 overloads
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 5:51 PM
#transformative-reaction-icd-parameters ?
NtagamaMay 12, 2021 5:52 PM
I'm a bit confused on what this has to do with EM(edited)
Bobrokrot | Don't invest in ₼BUGMay 12, 2021 5:52 PM
Oh, didn't see that.
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 5:53 PM
I would check if it corroborates well
if you get 2 in under 0.5 that would be huge
Bobrokrot | Don't invest in ₼BUGMay 12, 2021 5:53 PM
My hot take was that em bonus didn't apply to some number of overloads.
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 5:53 PM
Bobrokrot | Don't invest in ₼BUGMay 12, 2021 5:54 PM
But still 3 vs 4 is strange.
Nah, probably not.
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 5:54 PM
is that what we're looking for in the vid
Bobrokrot | Don't invest in ₼BUGMay 12, 2021 5:54 PM
I am just overly excited.
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 5:55 PM
I mean there's also the possibility electro hypo self-overloads
which means it would use its own EM I guess?
I've seen weird stuff with my HT vs electro slimes
all the overloads in this evidence are the same dmg tho
NtagamaMay 12, 2021 5:55 PM
How would it be able to self overload
Bobrokrot | Don't invest in ₼BUGMay 12, 2021 5:58 PM
Well, I was thinking that the overloads that popped up at the screen had the em bonus but invisible overloads hadn't. I was thinking that there should be still 6 overloads total. Missed that ticket, can't keep up with all of those due to exams.
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 6:01 PM
yeah I don't think the electro cube can. But pyro slimes can definitely lose their pyro and regain it. Same might go for electro slimes
I'll get some footage as HT in midsummer
yeah sadly my testing so far says invisible overloads don't actually do damage
NtagamaMay 12, 2021 6:01 PM
yeah that would make sense on enemies like that, I was just confused by the statement since cube permanently holds electro aura
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 6:02 PM
who knows what spaghet MHY might have
like why can't davalin be wet
NtagamaMay 12, 2021 6:02 PM
I think that's intentional
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 6:02 PM
and why can the electro cube be wet but not vaped
NtagamaMay 12, 2021 6:02 PM
just like how wolf is immune to cryo and anemo
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 6:03 PM
actually electro slimes can't be vaped either I think
Yeah I think davalin is intentional, just a bit weird
NtagamaMay 12, 2021 6:03 PM
it's how EC works I guess
Bobrokrot | Don't invest in ₼BUGMay 12, 2021 6:04 PM
Still, here we have a case of 3 overloads and a case of 4 overloads. How can that be?
I think this should be name to overload-icd-inconsistency
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 6:04 PM
amber has application inconsistency maybe?
NtagamaMay 12, 2021 6:04 PM
maybe her ult is rng?
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 6:04 PM
I know different zones in the burst apply differently
NtagamaMay 12, 2021 6:05 PM
that's weird tho in this case, the enemy is completely stationary and amber's ult locks on to it
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 6:05 PM
wait actually I'm not sure about the zones
Bobrokrot | Don't invest in ₼BUGMay 12, 2021 6:09 PM
Yeah it does have zones, you can look it up in Amber guide at KQM website.
And yeah, in both cases the target is in the center so there should be the same number of waves.
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 6:12 PM
what I'm not sure about is if the zones affect application. it seems like it should though since it probably just follows the same 3 hit/2.5s rule
Bobrokrot | Don't invest in ₼BUGMay 12, 2021 6:15 PM
Yeah I am pretty much sure that this is the case.
Hm, so do we know know for sure that damage numbers always pop up? They didn't pop up only due to overload icd?
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 6:21 PM
ah right that ones a bit obscure. Here's some food for thought. vs
2 overload
1 overload
the current impression is that invisible overloads really aren't doing damage. I believed this to be a bug a while back since it's very depressing. I created a customer support ticket with MHY that they said they forwarded up but probably went nowhere.
NtagamaMay 12, 2021 6:23 PM
why are they invisible in the first place, is that on a ticket I need to read
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 6:48 PM
i think #transformative-reaction-icd-parameters is the most comprehensive one we have so far. We might want a frame counter to look over the footage presented as evidence in this ticket as well.
Sai || is stupidMay 12, 2021 8:18 PM
i don't see 2 overloads on the first
am i blind
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 8:19 PM
look for the orange explosions
Sai || is stupidMay 12, 2021 8:20 PM
oh i see it
he gets staggered a 2nd time for no reason
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 8:20 PM
it's not no reason though
that really is the second overload
guage is consumed
NtagamaMay 12, 2021 8:27 PM
but it don't do damage or show up
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 8:30 PM
I still have the incredibly shitty quality clip on HT release where it looked like I might've been getting 2 overloads with damage faster than what the 0.5s ICD is supposed to be. We haven't found anything similar in previous clips tho.
Aluminum | Harbinger of JankMay 12, 2021 8:39 PM
I think the four overloads clip has seven overloads?
I do wonder if there's a hit rule for overloads too
maybe a 2-hit rule
Bobrokrot | Don't invest in ₼BUGMay 21, 2021 9:46 PM
Here is the frame breakdown of two clips: I accidentaly downloaded clips in 30 fps and I wasn't willing to redo framecounts in 60 fps. It seems like the first arrow in the 3 overload clips landed a few frames later than in the 4 overloads clips which in turn seems to have caused a shifts in 2nd and 3rd overload to occur later. The time at which 3rd overload occurred + 0.5 seconds is indeed more the duration of Amber's ult which explains why 4th (damaging) overload never happend. Well I guees the arrow distribution in Amber's ult is random? Not sure what we are supposed to do with that information, but here we are.
Amber ult inconsistency
Лист1 30 fps, 4 overloads clip,ult activation,Overload text 1,Pyro symbol 1,HP chunk 1,HP chunk 2,HP chunk 3,HP chunk 4 frame,6,40,41,45,63,82,99 1,35,36,40,58,77,94 time,-1,3,-0,1666666667,-0,1333333333,0,0,6,1,233333333,1,8...
Initially this ticket was supposed to be similar to #transformative-reaction-icd-parameters but I just missed it, so there is no real point in this ticket.
Yuehai Ticketing SecretaryBOTMay 21, 2021 9:46 PM
Ticket Closed by @Bobrokrot | Don't invest in ₼BUG
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ArtesiansMay 22, 2021 1:06 AM
Approved. Need a +1, but #transformative-reaction-icd-parameters eats up alot of this ticket. The new information here is just another confirmation that Amber's Q is randomly dispersed still.(edited)
Yuehai Ticketing SecretaryBOTMay 23, 2021 5:00 AM
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