Yuehai Ticketing SecretaryBOTMay 18, 2021 12:26 AM
@Ayzel - freeze aura guide
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AyzelMay 18, 2021 12:38 AM
Finding: the order of elemental application and the gauge units determines the second reaction that occurs (and whether it occurs) when the attack that reacts with freeze can cause both shatter and a different reaction.
Examples (since that sentence is kinda hard to understand):
Geo examples:
2U Cryo - 2U Hydro - 1U Geo: Shatter only
2U Hydro - 2U Cryo - 1U Geo: Shatter only
1U Hydro - 2U Cryo - 1U Geo: Shatter only
1U Cryo - 2U Hydro - 1U Geo: Shatter only
2U Cryo - 1U Hydro - 1U Geo: Cryo Crystallize and Shatter
2U Hydro - 1U Cryo - 1U Geo: Hydro Crystallize and Shatter
2U Cryo - 2U Hydro - 1U Cryo - 1U Geo: Cryo Crystallize and Shatter
2U Hydro - 2U Cryo - 1U Hydro - 1U Geo: Hydro Crystallize and Shatter
Melt Examples:
1U Hydro - 1U Cryo - 1U Pyro Heavy: Shatter only
1U Hydro - 2U Cryo - 1U Pyro Heavy: Shatter only
1U Cryo - 2U Hydro - 1U Pyro Heavy: Shatter only
2U Hydro - 1U Cryo - 1U Pyro Heavy: Vaporize and Shatter
2U Cryo - 1U Hydro - 1U Pyro Heavy: Melt and Shatter
Electro Examples:
2U Hydro - 2U Cryo - 2U Electro: Shatter only
2U Hydro - 1U Cryo - 2U Electro: Electrocharged
2U Cryo - 1U Hydro - 2U Electro: Superconduct(edited)
Essentially, in order for two reactions to occur when using a heavy elemental hit, either:
a] the first aura applied to the enemy in the freeze reaction must be stronger than the second; the heavy hit will then cause whatever reaction should occur if the enemy were to only have the first aura applied and shatter (i.e. if you apply 2U Hydro, 1U Cryo, then 1U Pyro Heavy, then Vaporize will occur, since attacking a 2U Hydro enemy with pyro would normally cause vaporize).
b] an additional aura is applied on top of the enemy after frozen occurs. For example, normally, using a pyro heavy hit against an enemy who had been attacked with 2U Cryo, then 2U Hydro, would only cause shatter. However, if 1U Cryo is applied to that same enemy after being frozen, cryo reactions (such as melt or superconduct) can occur.
Significance: guide on how to get specific reactions against frozen enemies
Evidence: currently compiling and uploading(edited)