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Ticket Tool BOT Apr 3, 2022 3:47 PM
@BowTae - As an author, it is your responsibility to complete the ticket

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BowTae Apr 3, 2022 3:47 PM
To standardize how Aim mode frames are counted and get accurate counts, for use in the TCL and gcsim.
BowTae Apr 3, 2022 3:56 PM
Thanks for offering to help out again.

Here's what I would like you to do:

Set graphics to lowest possible settings and 60fps, go to the beach by Spiral Abyss
Put the bow on the character's back (so do N1 and then tapW before the macro)
Do this with all the bow characters you have, just ignore the ones you don't have. Ideally have 4 characters in your party, makes it a little easier to see when aim mode exits.
Upload to youtube, you don't need to count the frames yourself, I'll do it

Physical CA
200ms 210ms
500ms 1000ms

Run this until you get 10 aimed shots. It doesn't have to be 10 in a row, it's ok to get some N1s, which is why I want to try 200ms instead of 215ms like last time.
If this doesn't work/takes too long, we can try 210ms instead
Full CA
todo later
Special CA (Ganyu Bloom, Yoimiya Kindling, Diona C4, Sara E, etc)
todo later
┌─── reply to message (960206116338425856)
xSil3nt Apr 3, 2022 4:09 PM
I'll get started, got one question though;
By setting graphics to lowest, do you want 0.8 render resolution and no AA as per the preset in game?
BowTae Apr 3, 2022 4:10 PM
i'm mainly just looking for 0 frame drops during the recording
so yeah probably no AA and low resolution is ok
the game can look very ugly, as long as things are still visible then it's fine/ideal
xSil3nt Apr 3, 2022 4:11 PM
Ah okay
BowTae Apr 3, 2022 4:11 PM
ty for the help
maybe do just 1 character first so we can check the footage?
xSil3nt Apr 3, 2022 4:14 PM
Alright, this might take me a few mins, getting 3-5 N1s before I reach a total of 10 CAs, just gotta get a little lucky
BowTae Apr 3, 2022 4:14 PM
oh in that case
just do 210ms then
basically i was going with the assumption that macros aren't millisecond perfect
but i don't wanna waste too much of your time
xSil3nt Apr 3, 2022 4:24 PM
Ganyu M1d 210 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
This is the best I could get after 18 or so attempts
xSil3nt Apr 3, 2022 4:34 PM
Childe M1d 210 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Venti M1d 210 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
BowTae Apr 3, 2022 4:40 PM
yeah this is perfect
xSil3nt Apr 3, 2022 4:42 PM
Fischl M1d 210 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Is it just me or is it N1-ing every time on the 4th arrow almost every time been happening a lot, it's probably random, I'm doing 10-20 attempts per character and picking the best one, getting into a rhythm of it (edited)
BowTae Apr 3, 2022 4:44 PM
unsure if it's a macro thing or an engine timing thing or just random (edited)
as long as there's 10 CAs that start from idle in the clip, should be fine though (edited)
@xSil3nt you don't have to redo the ones you already did, but for the future ones, can you do a 1000ms gap between M1up and tapW
so that way, even if N1 happens, the bow still gets put on the back
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xSil3nt Apr 3, 2022 4:47 PM
Ah okay, I've only got 3 characters left, Amber, Aloy and Sara
BowTae Apr 3, 2022 4:47 PM
i thought 500ms would be enough, but i guess it's not for some characters
┌─── reply to message (960218990838423572)
BowTae Apr 3, 2022 4:48 PM
ah in that case, change it if you want, but it's not necessary
xSil3nt Apr 3, 2022 4:48 PM
Diona M1d 210 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Amber M1d 210 M1u 1000 Wtap 500 -
Aloy M1d 210 M1u 1000 Wtap 500 -
Sara M1d 210 M1u 1000 Wtap 500 -
Phys CA

Ganyu M1d 210 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Childe M1d 210 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Venti M1d 210 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Fischl M1d 210 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Diona M1d 210 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Amber M1d 210 M1u 1000 Wtap 500 -
Aloy M1d 210 M1u 1000 Wtap 500 -
Sara M1d 210 M1u 1000 Wtap 500 -

Full CA

Amber-M1d 1382 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Fischl M1d 1382 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Venti M1d 1382 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Childe M1d 1382 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Diona M1d 1382 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Ganyu M1d 1382 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Sara M1d 1382 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Aloy M1d 1382 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -

Special CA

Ganyu M1d 1675 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Diona M1d 790 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Let me know if you need anything re-recorded, I can't believe I got no runs of 10 CAs with no N1s interrupting it, after over 100 attempts combined
This is worse than gacha
BowTae Apr 3, 2022 5:01 PM
Thanks so much, this is saving me a ton of time and malding
If you still have time (or you can just do these later), here's the instructions for full CA.

it's the same idea, just this time holding M1 until you can get the elemental CA.
idk the exact timing in milliseconds for this, so you'll have to figure it out on your own unfortunately. Use 1440ms as the starting point. Ideally the timing should just right at the edge, where it's ok if you occasionally get a phys CA instead of the elemental one.
so something like this:
~1440ms (if it's too consistent, make it shorter. if it's too many phys CAs, make it longer)

for ganyu, i just want level 1 CA for now, so no bloom

I think the timings should be the same for every character, but I guess running this will confirm whether that's true or not
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BowTae Apr 3, 2022 5:02 PM
in my mind, this is a good thing, since it means that the macro is probably right on the edge and isn't too slow (edited)
xSil3nt Apr 3, 2022 5:03 PM
I'll get the CAs done tomorrow if that's fine with you (12-14 hours from now), got some stuff to take care of rn, and then I'll be heading to bed
BowTae Apr 3, 2022 5:03 PM
yeah that's totally fine
┌─── reply to message (960222093973291008)
BowTae Apr 3, 2022 5:04 PM
BowTae Apr 3, 2022 10:50 PM
Aim Mode Frames

Hold M1 Phys,Arrow Fired Frame,Evidence,Hold M1 Charged,Arrow Fired Frame,Evidence,Special,Arrow Fired Frame,Evidence
┌─── reply to message (960310420122517544)
BowTae Apr 3, 2022 10:50 PM
BowTae Apr 4, 2022 12:22 AM
i gotta say, having footage using macros makes this so much easier and faster to do (edited)
thanks so much Silent
BowTae Apr 4, 2022 1:08 AM
done with phys CAs
xSil3nt Apr 4, 2022 7:14 AM
Happy to help
Woke up later than I thought I would, getting started with full CAs
1382ms seems to be the sweet spot for CAs
OH MY GOD I HATE THIS GAME, i had my VERY first clean 9 full CAs in a row, and then it did a phys on the 10th one, i had my hopes up
xSil3nt Apr 4, 2022 7:28 AM
Amber-M1d 1382 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Fischl M1d 1382 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Venti M1d 1382 M1u 500 Wtap 500 - (edited)
Childe M1d 1382 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Diona M1d 1382 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Ganyu M1d 1382 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Sara M1d 1382 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Aloy M1d 1382 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
I've updated the pinned message with links
BowTae Apr 4, 2022 5:13 PM
this is perfect, thank you
will try to finish these counts today and tomorrow
BowTae Apr 5, 2022 2:16 AM
I think you uploaded the wrong venti full CA clip, there's only 2 full CAs in there
well you don't have to redo this if you don't want to, i can pretty much know what the framecount should be at this point even with just 2 shots

for ganyu, I noticed that it looks like she can actually do a full CA much earlier than the others
could you try this for her
~1165ms (start here, if full CA, go lower until you get a phys CA then go back up until it's 90% consistent)
BowTae Apr 5, 2022 5:17 AM
done with everything except ganyu level 1 CA, bloom CA, and diona C4 CA
for bloom CA, can you try
~1600ms, go higher until you no longer get nonbloom CA
for diona C4, I'll probably just do that one by hand
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xSil3nt Apr 5, 2022 6:45 AM
Venti redo:
Sorry about that, I must've mixed up clips from different attempts
xSil3nt Apr 5, 2022 6:53 AM
Ganyu can do a cryo CA as low as 1175ms, but it's one in every 10 shots or so, it's slightly more consistent at 1180ms, so I'm gonna be trying to get the clip with that instead
Ganyu M1d 1180 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
Ganyu bloom CA goes from very inconsistent (once or twice every 10 shots) at 1674, to near 100% consistent at 1675, odd how just 1ms changes the consistency so much this statement is no longer true, it's not very consistent anymore at 1675ms now that I've said it.. (edited)
I think we have a problem
BowTae Apr 5, 2022 7:11 AM
the exact macro number doesn't matter, i just need clips of the bloom CA that are frame perfect/within 1 frame of perfect (edited)
going up to something like 1680ms should be fine if needed (edited)
gonna go sleep so you can take your time with it/do it later (edited)
xSil3nt Apr 5, 2022 7:50 AM
Ganyu M1d 1675 M1u 500 Wtap 500 -
xSil3nt Apr 5, 2022 8:09 AM
Diona M1d 790 M1u 500 Wtap 500 - (edited)
Lowest I could get diona was 790ms (edited)
I forgot how much I hated diona
Her voicelines are so annoying
BowTae Apr 5, 2022 4:09 PM
ty for uploading diona C4 too
just gotta count these last few and I'll finally be done with this
BowTae Apr 5, 2022 7:25 PM
will do a writeup so I can throw this into the TCL Frames evidence page
and then will work on updating all the TCL frames
gonna scholar abuse and skip the verification process for this unless someone tells me not to, and to spare people from having to count all this (edited)
pai Apr 6, 2022 4:13 AM
very nice, are we restructuring the tables for the na talents?
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pai Apr 6, 2022 4:14 AM
i've been trying to figure out a good way to do it and have quite a lot written down already, maybe it's time to finally make the ticket
BowTae Apr 6, 2022 4:26 AM
oh uh by TCL frames I meant just putting the aim frames into the TCL sorry for getting your hopes up
though maybe Silent would be interested in helping out with that someone with a macro would make the process of updating all TCL frames significantly easier
no pressure though if they don't want to do it since it is a ton of recordings
pai Apr 6, 2022 5:29 AM
i'm not sure if using a macro for all the frames would be a good idea, or if there's going to be enough people to even record (there are like.. 50 characters now each with 20 different attacks and multiple ways to animation cancel each one)
even just mashing buttons it's going to take a long time to get all the necessary footage, there's barely anyone interested in frames and even less people are able to use macros so uh
xSil3nt Apr 10, 2022 4:16 PM
Forgot to reply to this, I'm happy to help with macro or recording stuff, feel free to give me a ping
BowTae Apr 10, 2022 4:25 PM
cool to see that the counts are pretty much in line with what carrier posted, if you remove the time it takes to enter aim mode using hold M1
BowTae Apr 12, 2022 2:55 PM
apparently diona can shoot a nonC4 cryo arrow 0.3 seconds earlier than tested
could you run the macro again, but use ganyu's level 1 macro, and see if you get any cryo arrows?
which is odd because in your video you did still get a phys arrow on diona with the 1.2 sec CA timing (edited)
BowTae Apr 12, 2022 3:09 PM
nvm, false alarm
Ticket Tool BOT Apr 15, 2022 8:41 PM
Transcript Saving