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KQM | Genshin Impact
21 messages
TiBotSat, November 12, 2022 at 08:20 PM
@the game - As an author, it is your responsibility to complete the ticket

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- When you are ready to submit the ticket, compile everything into one message following the format below and pin it. Then type /close or click the button below; the ticket will automatically be moved to be reviewed.
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- The ticket will be scrapped if: no activity >1 week or open for >1 month.
Write-up Format
Theory/Finding/Bug: Title of your submission

Evidence: Explanations with calculations and/or YouTube/Imgur proofs

Significance: Conclusion
aeveanleeowSat, November 12, 2022 at 08:20 PM
the gameSat, November 12, 2022 at 08:26 PM
Current status: I confirmed all of the previously discovered artifact spots (that they exist) and I'm waiting 12h/24h in order to confirm whether a spot is 12h or 24h respawn. I verified all of the listed spots with several interactive maps.

I should close this ticket within few days, hoping that everyone will confirm all of the images (or at least volunteers)
updated 12h markers, #21 seems to not be 12 hour respawn, requires more investigation
all other spots were updated accordingly
TiBotSun, November 20, 2022 at 10:45 AM
:dinkdonk: This channel hasn't been active in the past week!
the gameSun, November 20, 2022 at 01:21 PM
Extension to:
Updated spreadsheet:

[-] There are currently 214 (+1 or +2) respawnable investigation spots that drop artifacts.
[+] There are currently 233 (+1 or +2) respawnable investigation spots that drop artifacts.

Patch 2.6 introduced The Chasm:
- Overworld: 4 spots.
- Underground: 25 spots.
I'll keep on working on sumeru 3.0 and 3.1 spots in the following week (aranara quest is a pain)
TiBotMon, November 21, 2022 at 01:59 AM
Ticket closed by @the game. If there are any issues with it - it can be reopened by the owner or staff by using the buttons below or /open.
Ticket verified by @basilissaofnuts
basilissaofnutsFri, November 25, 2022 at 06:44 AM
I mean this is verifiable thru a quick look with the interactive map
And looking at the timings
🐟Fri, November 25, 2022 at 06:42 PM
Not always, it sometimes lists one time spots, so nailing down which ones respawn needs manual verification (+ timings but yeah)
basilissaofnutsSun, November 27, 2022 at 06:30 AM
No I checked
It was closed on 20th, I checked 2-8, 10-16, and 20+ on the 23rd
But most of it is verifiable through interactive map
TiBotSun, December 4, 2022 at 02:08 AM
Ticket verified by @🐟
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