KQM | Genshin Impact
40 messages

TiBotWed, August 24, 2022 at 05:29 AM
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Evidence: Explanations with calculations and/or YouTube/Imgur proofs
Significance: Conclusion

AyzelWed, August 24, 2022 at 05:29 AM
Dendro Basic Mechanics ticket
Put all mechanics findings for Dendro here. This ticket is NOT meant to be for discussion.
Put all mechanics findings for Dendro here. This ticket is NOT meant to be for discussion.

kbphanWed, August 24, 2022 at 06:23 AM
Hyperbloom has a small aoe that can damage the player if you are hugging the enemy that is targeted.
If there are no enemies nearby then the Hyperbloom will not target the player.
Hyperbloom has a small aoe that can damage the player if you are hugging the enemy that is targeted.
If there are no enemies nearby then the Hyperbloom will not target the player.

ping and ask for cat picsWed, August 24, 2022 at 02:12 PM
Finding: A Dendro attack can trigger both Quicken and Spread at the same time if the enemy is already Quickened and has an Electro aura
Evidence: https://youtu.be/3dRzkVMwvt0
Significance: Understanding Dendro reactions better
(Unsure if this is bc Dendro MC E is 2U or not - what gauge is it? See DMC info page, 1A of dendro can trigger both Quicken and Spread, neato.)
Evidence: https://youtu.be/3dRzkVMwvt0
Significance: Understanding Dendro reactions better

Chasca best Cryo DPSThu, August 25, 2022 at 04:24 AM
Bloom reaction does not snapshot EM on seed creation.
Childe Bloom DMG with and without EM buffs after seed creation
Further understanding of the Bloom reaction and EM buffs, can potentially lead to interesting setups
Bloom reaction does not snapshot EM on seed creation.
Childe Bloom DMG with and without EM buffs after seed creation
Further understanding of the Bloom reaction and EM buffs, can potentially lead to interesting setups

zefirnaya_Thu, August 25, 2022 at 06:40 PM
Finding: EM doesn’t snapshot for the new additive reactions (aggravate and spread)
Evidence: https://youtu.be/RtEKEKtDyvY
The Kazuha is C2. As seen in the video, dendro MC ult tick damage while standing in Kazuha’s burst ring is 2467 (em buff applied) and drops to 2103 once taken out of the field.
/Since dmc is lv50, she doesn’t have her A4 unlocked/
Significance: This helps us better understand the new additive reactions introduced with dendro.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/RtEKEKtDyvY
The Kazuha is C2. As seen in the video, dendro MC ult tick damage while standing in Kazuha’s burst ring is 2467 (em buff applied) and drops to 2103 once taken out of the field.
/Since dmc is lv50, she doesn’t have her A4 unlocked/
Significance: This helps us better understand the new additive reactions introduced with dendro.

kolibri._.Fri, August 26, 2022 at 06:51 AM
Finding: Spread does not count as an electro related reaction for Fischl's A4.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/AmRiHirDgaU
Significance: further understanding of the spread reaction
Evidence: https://youtu.be/AmRiHirDgaU
Significance: further understanding of the spread reaction

Finding: Applying Dendro to an EC'd target once can result in 2 Bloom reactions if the Hydro aura on the target is high enough. First trigger is from the dendro attack, second trigger is from Quicken itself. The reaction text for the second Bloom reaction does not show up.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/kjISsjV3EQ0
Significance: further understanding of quicken and bloom
Evidence: https://youtu.be/kjISsjV3EQ0
Significance: further understanding of quicken and bloom
1 dendro application can trigger 2 blooms on a target
50 dur hydro to target 1
swirl hydro onto target 1 and 2
25 dur electro to target 2
25 dur dendro to target 2
swirl hydro onto target 1 and 2
25 dur electro to target 2
25 dur dendro to target 2

vinsetteTue, August 30, 2022 at 06:49 PM
Are you sure this is gauge stuff and not weird Ruin hitbox stuff? Just checking

kolibri._.Tue, August 30, 2022 at 07:03 PM
yes I am
1 dendro application can trigger 2 blooms on a target #2
doesn't look like enemy hitbox says plays a role

AyzelFri, September 2, 2022 at 04:48 AM
@kolibri._. do you have evidence for the 7/14 tick thing you posted in Dendro Guide Feedback? Just looking for a video to show

kolibri._.Fri, September 2, 2022 at 08:22 AM
looks like it's 7/14 if you use pyro as trigger (probably because dendro decays a bit?) and 8/15 if you use dendro as trigger
Burning tick counts
0:00 1U Dendro + 1U Pyro: 7 ticks
0:06 1U Pyro + 1U Dendro: 8 ticks
0:13 2U Dendro + 1U Pyro: 14 ticks
0:22 1U Pyro + 2U Dendro: 15 ticks
0:06 1U Pyro + 1U Dendro: 8 ticks
0:13 2U Dendro + 1U Pyro: 14 ticks
0:22 1U Pyro + 2U Dendro: 15 ticks

milktearomanceFri, September 2, 2022 at 11:42 PM
Burning snapshots
We understand that 4pc Gilded Dreams does not apply bonus EM to the reaction that triggers the set bonus (with the exception of Hyperbloom).
Klee's EM without 4GD bonus: 80
Klee's EM with 4GD bonus: 130
When Klee triggers 4GD with Burning, Burning damage is consistently 525, even though EM had been increased to 130 upon triggering the reaction. To demonstrate Burning with 130 EM, Klee refreshes Burning with the bonus EM, and Burning damage is now consistently 643.
Better understanding of Burning reactions
Burning snapshots
We understand that 4pc Gilded Dreams does not apply bonus EM to the reaction that triggers the set bonus (with the exception of Hyperbloom).
Klee's EM without 4GD bonus: 80
Klee's EM with 4GD bonus: 130
When Klee triggers 4GD with Burning, Burning damage is consistently 525, even though EM had been increased to 130 upon triggering the reaction. To demonstrate Burning with 130 EM, Klee refreshes Burning with the bonus EM, and Burning damage is now consistently 643.
Better understanding of Burning reactions
Burning snapshots
4GD does not apply bonus EM to the reaction that triggers it
Klee's EM without bonus: 80
Klee's EM with bonus: 130
When Klee triggers 4GD with Burning, Burning damage is consistently 525, even though EM had been increased to 130. To demonstrate Burning with 130 EM, Klee refreshes Burning with the bonus EM, and Burning damage is now consistently ...
Klee's EM without bonus: 80
Klee's EM with bonus: 130
When Klee triggers 4GD with Burning, Burning damage is consistently 525, even though EM had been increased to 130. To demonstrate Burning with 130 EM, Klee refreshes Burning with the bonus EM, and Burning damage is now consistently ...

pkach | noille, the typo queenFri, September 2, 2022 at 11:44 PM
is this also true for hyperbloom/burgeon?

milktearomanceFri, September 2, 2022 at 11:45 PM
hyperbloom and burgeon damage is based on the attack that pops the seed, so the EM of the attack that created the seed wouldn't matter

pkach | noille, the typo queenFri, September 2, 2022 at 11:48 PM
ah, makes sense, ty. but dont we still need evidence saying that the dmg is based on whoever pops seed?

milktearomanceFri, September 2, 2022 at 11:49 PM
o ya, I suppose so

pkach | noille, the typo queenSat, September 3, 2022 at 03:15 PM
do hyperbloom, quicken and aggravate count?

kolibri._.Sat, September 3, 2022 at 03:18 PM
if everything listed in the electro resonance counts as an electro related reaction, then they should

pkach | noille, the typo queenSat, September 3, 2022 at 04:42 PM
that does tell us what to expect, but we've had similar spaget before
also, do we know if hakushin counts aggravate as a dmg bonus source for both electro and dendro? (it technically shouldnt, but still)
we already know that quicken does, but need video evidence
we already know that quicken does, but need video evidence

1gneusSun, September 4, 2022 at 04:06 PM
Xingqiu rainswords don't reduce self-burgeon damage.
screenshots below
Xingqiu not as good as I thought :(( . Self burgeon damage likely also only scales off EM and Res (and character level). Sadly I can't easily test if shield strength affects burgeon damage.
Got told to post here by @273413545226665984 ^^
Xingqiu rainswords don't reduce self-burgeon damage.
screenshots below
Xingqiu not as good as I thought :(( . Self burgeon damage likely also only scales off EM and Res (and character level). Sadly I can't easily test if shield strength affects burgeon damage.
Got told to post here by @273413545226665984 ^^

pkach | noille, the typo queenSun, September 4, 2022 at 09:27 PM
[6:22 PM]Aevean Leeow: does it proc on kill effectsalso³ if it doesnt count for self on-hit effects, does it count for self on-damage effects? maybe it counts for both?
[6:22 PM]Aevean Leeow: if you kill yourself
[6:22 PM]Aevean Leeow: or allies in co op
[6:24 PM]Aevean Leeow: and does it count as a hit in general

1gneusSun, September 4, 2022 at 09:36 PM
Dendro damage is affected by your own resistance only.
Images. One is deepwood res shred on enemy, one without, and one with shred and dendro res potion on character. Should be obvious which is which.
Useful to know
Dendro damage is affected by your own resistance only.
Images. One is deepwood res shred on enemy, one without, and one with shred and dendro res potion on character. Should be obvious which is which.
Useful to know
@pkach | noille, the typo queen thanks for helping me procrastinate some more lmao

pkach | noille, the typo queenSun, September 4, 2022 at 09:45 PM
np https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/850089317593645088.webp?size=64 we still need video proof tho

is_this_maddieMon, September 5, 2022 at 01:28 PM
this is still a basic mechanic ticket dont chat

pkach | noille, the typo queenMon, September 5, 2022 at 01:28 PM
please restrict discussion exclusively to subjects directly related to the basic mechanics

paichlearTue, September 6, 2022 at 06:49 PM
Finding: When triggering Hyperbloom, the Sprawling Shot targets the enemy that is closest to the Dendro Core.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/fpZj3hFTonk
Evidence: https://youtu.be/fpZj3hFTonk

Bobrokrot [RU] Genshin AcademyFri, September 16, 2022 at 07:11 PM
If you mean enemy shields, then it's been tested already. Although no evidence.
Resistances and Shield/Armor durabilities of monsters | Genshin Impact
Main Table
Resistances and Shield Durability,How it works
By:,Genshin Academy,Use Ctrl + F for quick search
Slime (all types)
Resistance,!,10%,10%,10%,10%,10%,10%,10%,10%,! Immune to the...
Resistances and Shield Durability,How it works
By:,Genshin Academy,Use Ctrl + F for quick search
Slime (all types)
Resistance,!,10%,10%,10%,10%,10%,10%,10%,10%,! Immune to the...

nzpiefaceThu, November 3, 2022 at 08:49 AM
Finding: Bloom/Burgeon/Hyperbloom counts as hits from your character.
Evidence: Qiqi Talisman is triggered by Bloom exploding. https://youtu.be/gBc3HUWpDmM
See also: Nahida C2 allows these reactions to trigger Favonius.
Evidence: Qiqi Talisman is triggered by Bloom exploding. https://youtu.be/gBc3HUWpDmM
See also: Nahida C2 allows these reactions to trigger Favonius.

VanIna | Dead by DeadlineFri, November 4, 2022 at 02:25 PM
Finding: By using more than one Hydro/Pyro/Electro source, each units could take more than 2 Bloom/Burgeon/Hyperbloom damages within 0.5 second window
- Xiangling's Gouba and Bennett's E proc 3 Burgeon damages nearly at the same time on both character and Azhdaha. https://youtu.be/zDgpfQ-C0NU
- Razor E and Sara E proc 4 Hyperbloom damages at the same time on enemy. https://youtu.be/-V-F9Lqf2Gs
- 3 different Bloom damage on both character and Hydro Slime. https://youtu.be/pSdZkmZkHh0 (0:13, Bloom ownership is unknown)
Significant: Previous knowledge about the reactions' ICD is insufficient. Further testing should be conducted to find out the actual mechanic of these reactions
- Xiangling's Gouba and Bennett's E proc 3 Burgeon damages nearly at the same time on both character and Azhdaha. https://youtu.be/zDgpfQ-C0NU
- Razor E and Sara E proc 4 Hyperbloom damages at the same time on enemy. https://youtu.be/-V-F9Lqf2Gs
- 3 different Bloom damage on both character and Hydro Slime. https://youtu.be/pSdZkmZkHh0 (0:13, Bloom ownership is unknown)
Significant: Previous knowledge about the reactions' ICD is insufficient. Further testing should be conducted to find out the actual mechanic of these reactions

chronopolizeThu, November 10, 2022 at 08:21 PM
Theory: Burning refreshes pyro at 0.5 seconds and every 2 seconds after
I start counting time when the "burning" text appears, until the "melt" text appears
this suggests that for 0.8U dendro burning, refresh happens at 0.5 sec
1.2U dendro burning:
this suggests that for 0.8U dendro burning, refresh happens at 0.5 sec
1.2U dendro burning:
Relative to ganyu's first arrow, the cyro applications occur at 0, 0.3, 1.96, 2.26 sec
if the pyro refresh occurred at 0 sec and 2 sec (slightly later because TKP hits a bit after trigger), then Ganyu's 2nd bloom would reduce pyro to ~0.3U and it would fade in ~3.5 secs. Instead, the pyro lasts for a long time.
Pyro disappears 12.06 sec after the first arrow hits. Subtracting 9.5 sec (0.8U decay time) we get 2.56 seconds. This seems to agree with burning being refreshed at 2.5 sec.
Significance: Burning reverse melt, most significantly for Ganyu. Having residual pyro that's >0.5U is necessary to reignite burning by apply cryo + triggering Nahida's TKP.
if the pyro refresh occurred at 0 sec and 2 sec (slightly later because TKP hits a bit after trigger), then Ganyu's 2nd bloom would reduce pyro to ~0.3U and it would fade in ~3.5 secs. Instead, the pyro lasts for a long time.
Pyro disappears 12.06 sec after the first arrow hits. Subtracting 9.5 sec (0.8U decay time) we get 2.56 seconds. This seems to agree with burning being refreshed at 2.5 sec.
Significance: Burning reverse melt, most significantly for Ganyu. Having residual pyro that's >0.5U is necessary to reignite burning by apply cryo + triggering Nahida's TKP.
Nvm the value appears to be between 0.25sec - 0.42sec

VanIna | Dead by DeadlineFri, November 11, 2022 at 04:16 PM
Finding: Zhongli's pillars could attract enemies' Hyperbloom
Evidence: https://youtu.be/BJ1EYOotRsc
Significant: Geo Archon will always protect us, in many ways
(Also, Ningguang's E, EMC's E and Q have no similar effect: https://youtu.be/1vgFVaKtYR8 , https://youtu.be/XRtG1Bb_OvI , https://youtu.be/ThW3fE9W9NA)
Evidence: https://youtu.be/BJ1EYOotRsc
Significant: Geo Archon will always protect us, in many ways
(Also, Ningguang's E, EMC's E and Q have no similar effect: https://youtu.be/1vgFVaKtYR8 , https://youtu.be/XRtG1Bb_OvI , https://youtu.be/ThW3fE9W9NA)

Can someone having Albedo test if his E could lure Hyperbloom?

TiBotTue, November 29, 2022 at 02:52 PM
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