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12 messages
TiBotTue, March 21, 2023 at 10:01 AM
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Evidence: Explanations with calculations and/or YouTube/Imgur proofs

Significance: Conclusion
🐟Tue, March 21, 2023 at 10:01 AM
Mika Basic Mechanics Ticket
Put all mechanics findings for Mika here. This ticket is NOT meant to be for discussion.

Please use the following format for any basic mechanics submissions:



Mechanics of Interest
1. Gauges
2. ICD
3. Frames
4. Skill mechanics
5. Burst mechanics
6. Constellation Mechanics
edisonsmathsclubTue, March 21, 2023 at 11:25 AM
Finding: Mika's Rimestar Shards can miss targets, not granting a Detector Stack
Significance: Detector Stacks may be unreliable against some enemies
( ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ) <3 | CasdelaTue, March 21, 2023 at 04:59 PM
Finding: As long as Mika's hold Elemental Skill aiming ring visual touches an enemy's hitbox (not necessary have to touch the model), it can lock on to said enemy. Even if players aims at the ground or slightly to the left or right of target.
Also the Rimestar Flare can auto aim, and can track down locked-on enemy as long as player releases Mika's Elemental Skill while the enemy's hitbox still touch the aiming ring.
- Against a slime:
- Against lawachurl:
Significance: some leniency for skill issue players
( ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ) <3 | CasdelaTue, March 21, 2023 at 05:06 PM
I just notice in your video only one Rimestar Shard spawn and it doesn't miss but actually hits the axe because it's a valid target to hit :hmmge: (the axe has its own hitbox that can be applied elements)
Finding: Clarify the wording of Mika's hold Elemental Skill, the Rimestar Flare has to hit an enemy to spawn Rimestar Shards
Significance: clear up some ambiguity
twce_Tue, March 21, 2023 at 07:37 PM
Mika's Physical DMG buffs (Detector stacks) and C6 Physical CD buff only affect the active character and are lost either immediately or within a very short time frame (<40 frames) after swapping. Mika's hE does not generate shards in ST, so his A1 also does not give any Detector stacks in single-target scenarios. This caps his DMG buff at a maximum of 10% before C2, and 20% on or after in ST.

Video credit to iSilas#1922:
In both the video representation (number) and sheet damage comparison, you only get 2 Detector stacks - one from A4 (Crit with both Mika E and Q active, Eula has 100% CR in video), and one from C2 (initial hit of hE). No Detector stacks are gained from A1.

To utilize Mika's buffs, your character must be active (on-field). There is either no or not enough linger to buff Eula's Lightfall explosion if triggering via swap. Mika requires multiple targets to utilize his A1 passive.
Mika Evidence
no Mika: 0:00
Mika, without Swap: 0:15
Mika, with Swap: 0:36
Mika Swap Evidence
Damage Calculator

Without Mika,With C6 Mika,(20% Phys DMG, 60% Phys CD)
Calculated Damage,Video Damage,Calculated Damage,Video Damage
Attack,Lightfall Base,Lightfall Stacks,Attack,Lightfall Base,Lightfall Stacks
Total Damage,19,254.88,19,669.93,Total Dama...
bobosawrWed, March 22, 2023 at 12:14 AM
Finding: Mika's skill autotarget aims for the target, and not necessarily the head, even if aiming at it.
Significance: Despite aiming like a bow, he cannot guarantee a headshot/weakspot hit for fav procs.
mika not headshotting
mika does not necessarily target the head/weakspot of an enemy when it is locked on
Bobrokrot [RU] Genshin AcademyWed, March 22, 2023 at 08:44 AM
Finding: Detector stacks carry over to other teammates after you swap to them.
Also note that A4 takes into consideration any crit hits, not only crits from normal attacks.

Evidence: Mika's E crits and gives a Detector stack, swap to Eula and she has 10% phys bonus.

Significance: Doing Q E compared to E Q is slightly more beneficial for Mika due to a chance to gain a Detector stack earlier (so that your physical dps starts attacking with the phys bonus).
kolibri._.Sat, May 27, 2023 at 08:23 PM
Finding: Mika frame counts
Significance: TCL stuff
Mika - frames
0:00 NA String - hitmark
0:10 CA - hitmark

0:16 Tap E - hitmark
0:25 Hold E - hitmark

0:33 Q - duration

1:23 NA String (including N5 ➔ N1)

1:40 N1 ➔ CA
1:51 N1 ➔ Walk

1:58 N2 ➔ CA
2:10 N2 ➔ Walk

2:18 N3 ➔ CA
2:32 N3 ➔ Walk

2:41 N4 ➔ CA
2:57 N4 ➔ Walk

3:07 N5 ➔ Walk

3:21 CA ➔ N1
3:33 CA ➔ E
3:43 CA ➔ Q
3:53 CA ➔ D
4:02 CA ➔ J
Mika Frames

Trial 1,Trial 2,Trial 3
Hitmarks,N1,20,19,20,hitlag,stuff with hitlag:
- Frames it takes to go from "Start of Animation of the action/Hitlag end of previous hit for multihits" to "Hitlag start" (1 frame after the char is frozen)

stuff without hitlag:
- Frames it takes to go from "Start ...
TiBotMon, July 31, 2023 at 01:56 PM
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