KQM | Genshin Impact
41 messages
TiBotWed, December 7, 2022 at 03:04 AM
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Evidence: Explanations with calculations and/or YouTube/Imgur proofs
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🐟Wed, December 7, 2022 at 03:05 AM
Wanderer Basic Mechanics Ticket
Put all mechanics findings for Wanderer here. This ticket is NOT meant to be for discussion.
Please use the following format for any basic mechanics submissions:
Put all mechanics findings for Wanderer here. This ticket is NOT meant to be for discussion.
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wrong pingWed, December 7, 2022 at 03:26 AM
need particle gen confirmed asap
f99shiWed, December 7, 2022 at 04:10 AM
Finding: Scara is immune to being frozen during his E's casting animation (the reaction still happens, but he doesnt get frozen, same behavior as bosses)
Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/KEw1M0f
Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/KEw1M0f
zakharov29229Wed, December 7, 2022 at 04:14 AM
Finding: Wanderer's skill lasts exactly 10 seconds if you stay still or only use normal attacks
Evidence: https://youtu.be/DTh-KgdGmQg
Significance: Basic mechanics
Evidence: https://youtu.be/DTh-KgdGmQg
Significance: Basic mechanics
Wanderer Stamina
Wanderer E lasts 10 seconds with no jump or dash. Normal attacks don't cost stamina.
Finding: Wanderer makes 1 particle on hit during his E state, with a 2s particle generation ICD
Evidence: Wanderer makes a particle at 2:41:17 and 2:43:19. Wanderer makes a particle when he hits the enemy at 1:34:21 but not when he hits the enemy at 1:36:01. https://youtu.be/Q-87po48tMo
Significance: Particle counting. Combined with the previous finding, Wanderer will usually generate 4 particles over the course of his burst if he attacks constantly without sprinting or jumping, though it's possible to get 5 if you're lucky or very careful with the timing.
Evidence: Wanderer makes a particle at 2:41:17 and 2:43:19. Wanderer makes a particle when he hits the enemy at 1:34:21 but not when he hits the enemy at 1:36:01. https://youtu.be/Q-87po48tMo
Significance: Particle counting. Combined with the previous finding, Wanderer will usually generate 4 particles over the course of his burst if he attacks constantly without sprinting or jumping, though it's possible to get 5 if you're lucky or very careful with the timing.
freenekWed, December 7, 2022 at 08:03 AM
Finding: While Wanderer is in Windfavored state and he has Wine and Song equipped, his mid-air dashes triggers the atk% buff from the weapon's passive. The stamina reduction part of Wine and Song doesn't work on Wanderer's Kuugoryoku Points consumption.
Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vzz5scPWiVg https://youtu.be/P0K6UrqYw5o Credits to Daybreak#0584
Significance: Better understanding of how Wanderer's elemental skill works. Provides information on potential viability of Wine and Song weapon on Wanderer.
This basically means that his mid-air dashes are counting as either sprint or alternate sprint, but the E energy bar doesn't count as regular stamina.
Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vzz5scPWiVg https://youtu.be/P0K6UrqYw5o Credits to Daybreak#0584
Significance: Better understanding of how Wanderer's elemental skill works. Provides information on potential viability of Wine and Song weapon on Wanderer.
This basically means that his mid-air dashes are counting as either sprint or alternate sprint, but the E energy bar doesn't count as regular stamina.
HowL | WelpWed, December 7, 2022 at 09:01 AM
Finding: Skill allows Stamina to regen in the background.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/RRQ6xeMDV_M
Significance: It only seems significant for OW stuff. But maybe rotations without Skill buff, idk.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/RRQ6xeMDV_M
Significance: It only seems significant for OW stuff. But maybe rotations without Skill buff, idk.
trosalioWed, December 7, 2022 at 09:02 AM
Finding: Wanderer's A1 can absorb a pyro buff from Guoba.
Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dt411eSq5cM
ATK stat before buff: 902 + 1212
ATK stat after buff: 902 + 1483
Displayed ATK difference: 271
Expected ATK buff: 902 * 0.3 = 270.6
Significance: ...Another possible National variation, perhaps?
Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dt411eSq5cM
ATK stat before buff: 902 + 1212
ATK stat after buff: 902 + 1483
Displayed ATK difference: 271
Expected ATK buff: 902 * 0.3 = 270.6
Significance: ...Another possible National variation, perhaps?
Wanderer's A1 Can Absorb a Pyro Buff From Guoba.
ATK stat before buff: 902 + 1212
ATK stat after buff: 902 + 1483
Displayed ATK difference: 271
Expected ATK buff: 902 * 0.3 = 270.6
ATK stat after buff: 902 + 1483
Displayed ATK difference: 271
Expected ATK buff: 902 * 0.3 = 270.6
exile000Wed, December 7, 2022 at 09:40 AM
Finding: Wanderer Basic Gauges
Normal Attack: 1u Anemo Standard ICD
Charge Attack: 1u Anemo No ICD
Elemental skill initial hit: 1u Anemo No ICD
Elemental Burst: 1u Anemo Standard ICD
C6: ??? my interpretation is that its 1u Anemo incrementing the NA counter, but the application comes out fast enough the numbers do not show, to my understanding. If anyone wants to help study the last clip to find it out that would be appreciated.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/4bv9xOgMLRs
Significance: Use of elemental gauges can help determine rotations as well as capability to destroy elemental shields or act as a driver or trigger for certain team compositions.
Normal Attack: 1u Anemo Standard ICD
Charge Attack: 1u Anemo No ICD
Elemental skill initial hit: 1u Anemo No ICD
Elemental Burst: 1u Anemo Standard ICD
C6: ??? my interpretation is that its 1u Anemo incrementing the NA counter, but the application comes out fast enough the numbers do not show, to my understanding. If anyone wants to help study the last clip to find it out that would be appreciated.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/4bv9xOgMLRs
Significance: Use of elemental gauges can help determine rotations as well as capability to destroy elemental shields or act as a driver or trigger for certain team compositions.
exile000Wed, December 7, 2022 at 09:57 AM
Here's a recording of wine and song - seems like you're right! Interesting mechanic none-the-less. It grants %atk but does not effect the consumption of the windfavored state.
Finding: Wanderer Generates Stamina in the background while in the Windfavored State
Evidence: https://youtu.be/urQRFCJ_lhI
Significance: Stamina generation out of combat allows Wanderer to gain a great deal of freedom while traversing the overworld. In combat situations this stamina generation can be used to supplement repeated sprint-cancels or repeated dodging.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/urQRFCJ_lhI
Significance: Stamina generation out of combat allows Wanderer to gain a great deal of freedom while traversing the overworld. In combat situations this stamina generation can be used to supplement repeated sprint-cancels or repeated dodging.
freenekWed, December 7, 2022 at 10:42 AM
Did you hit enemy with a normal attack before scara E? The prerequisite is to hit an enemy to gain the stamina reduction buff and it gives out that particular aura effect which I can't see on video
exile000Wed, December 7, 2022 at 11:03 AM
Finding: Effects that modify the consumption of stamina points DO NOT alter the consumption of Wanderer’s Kuugoryoku Points.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/P0K6UrqYw5o
Significance: When considering options that increase his overworld mobility, it may be useful to know that effects that modify stamina consumption do not modify the amount of time he can spend in air.
@222439744204701706 Here's a better showcase
Evidence: https://youtu.be/P0K6UrqYw5o
Significance: When considering options that increase his overworld mobility, it may be useful to know that effects that modify stamina consumption do not modify the amount of time he can spend in air.
@222439744204701706 Here's a better showcase
AnmaruWed, December 7, 2022 at 11:30 AM
Finding: Wanderer can extend his Windfavored state by performing a Charged Attack just as his Kuugoryoku Points run out.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/GH2iCQcK03w
Significance: Allows Wanderer to fit an additional CA at the end of a rotation which benefits from the Kuugo: Toufukai CA DMG Bonus.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/GH2iCQcK03w
Significance: Allows Wanderer to fit an additional CA at the end of a rotation which benefits from the Kuugo: Toufukai CA DMG Bonus.
Bobrokrot [RU] Genshin AcademyWed, December 7, 2022 at 11:43 AM
A better showcase
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makeway4pkWed, December 7, 2022 at 02:33 PM
( I didn't find it )
Wanderer can move/strafe slowly in any direction while attacking, at no extra kuugoryoku cost
Any direction:
pebble evasion, yay!
( I didn't find it )
Wanderer can move/strafe slowly in any direction while attacking, at no extra kuugoryoku cost
Any direction:
pebble evasion, yay!
lunaflawWed, December 7, 2022 at 03:23 PM
Finding: Wanderer can generate particles from E state and possibly proc A4 if E was cast while the attack is in the air
Significance: squeezing 1 more particle and A4 proc per E state,
Significance: squeezing 1 more particle and A4 proc per E state,
NA then E = particle gen
Wanderer can generate particles from E state if an NA hits ONLY after entering E state
Bobrokrot [RU] Genshin AcademyWed, December 7, 2022 at 05:34 PM
Finding: Wanderer's absorption priority is Pyro ? Hydro > Electro > Cryo.
(The ? between Pyro and Hydro is due to the fact that since Wanderer can absorb up to 2 elements it is impossible to determine the relationship between top 2 elements in the priority; for all practical purpuses it is safe to assume that the priority is the same as Kazuha's)
Evidence: all tests compiled in this sheet
Significance: mostly none since it is unlikely that 3 element scenarios will occur in practice but still nice to know.
(The ? between Pyro and Hydro is due to the fact that since Wanderer can absorb up to 2 elements it is impossible to determine the relationship between top 2 elements in the priority; for all practical purpuses it is safe to assume that the priority is the same as Kazuha's)
Evidence: all tests compiled in this sheet
Significance: mostly none since it is unlikely that 3 element scenarios will occur in practice but still nice to know.
Wanderer Absorption Priority
Лист1 (копия)
1,Cryo < Pyro,Cryo < Electro,https://youtu.be/NjR0QMS64B8
2,Cryo < Pyro,Cryo < Hydro,https://youtu.be/uTs4SedISec
1,Cryo < Pyro,Cryo < Electro,https://youtu.be/NjR0QMS64B8
2,Cryo < Pyro,Cryo < Hydro,https://youtu.be/uTs4SedISec
exile000Wed, December 7, 2022 at 07:22 PM
Forgot to include A4 when doing my gauge tests
Finding: Wanderer A4 is 1u Anemo with a 1s ICD.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/xJEFGIdjHeU
Significance: It may be important in some compositions to know the gauge value of wanderer’s A4 in combat situations and that it only swirls once instead of the standard 2.
Finding: Wanderer A4 is 1u Anemo with a 1s ICD.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/xJEFGIdjHeU
Significance: It may be important in some compositions to know the gauge value of wanderer’s A4 in combat situations and that it only swirls once instead of the standard 2.
Also I can't 100% confirm (because RNG and all that) but I can regularly get his A4 in two NA's during E which makes me think that his C6 is incrementing it? Maybe just RNG
Magnus Artifex | Chiori C1 how?Wed, December 7, 2022 at 09:17 PMvertical targeting range where pls no hate
AnmaruWed, December 7, 2022 at 09:40 PM
(probably in the same category as this about extending E state with an animation)
Finding: There are large differences in the horizontal distance gained based on how you input sprint during Wanderer's Windfavored state.
Evidence: Worst to best distance gained:
0:02 - Spamming sprint
0:17 - Holding sprint
0:48 - Normal flight speed + sprinting only at the end for extension
https://youtu.be/6SYPc4t_lGc - Holding sprint + sprinting at the end for extension
Significance: Optimising travel methods; shows that sprinting can also extend his Windfavored state and increase the distance travelled if used just before his Kuugoryoku Points run out.
Finding: There are large differences in the horizontal distance gained based on how you input sprint during Wanderer's Windfavored state.
Evidence: Worst to best distance gained:
0:02 - Spamming sprint
0:17 - Holding sprint
0:48 - Normal flight speed + sprinting only at the end for extension
https://youtu.be/6SYPc4t_lGc - Holding sprint + sprinting at the end for extension
Significance: Optimising travel methods; shows that sprinting can also extend his Windfavored state and increase the distance travelled if used just before his Kuugoryoku Points run out.
bekchiFri, December 9, 2022 at 02:56 AM
Finding: Wanderer's Skill utilizes Elements applied to yourself, but does not cleanse them.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/McFm3sGsAd4 - Electro Charged
https://youtu.be/Hy7DaHjzuos - Freeze
Significance: Wanderer can utilize Elements on himself for buffs in case either your team or the environment does not provide them. In addition, this leaves the element on you. The combination of Hydro from the water and Electro from the rock created Electro Charge. Zhongli's Shield received a damage tick from EC.
While I do not have a recording, you can also do this with Cryo and Hydro. The elements will combine and Freeze you, regardless of which applied first.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/McFm3sGsAd4 - Electro Charged
https://youtu.be/Hy7DaHjzuos - Freeze
Significance: Wanderer can utilize Elements on himself for buffs in case either your team or the environment does not provide them. In addition, this leaves the element on you. The combination of Hydro from the water and Electro from the rock created Electro Charge. Zhongli's Shield received a damage tick from EC.
daibangdenFri, December 9, 2022 at 04:30 AM
it's called Elemental absorption and it is like that for every anemo character
emmausFri, December 9, 2022 at 08:27 PM
Finding: Wanderer's NA and A4 will track teleporting enemies, similar to Yelan's burst. Attacks will only track if they are already locked on to the enemy before teleporting.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/2GPQh3wC1Do
Significance: Finding out Wanderer's attack behavior patterns
Evidence: https://youtu.be/2GPQh3wC1Do
Significance: Finding out Wanderer's attack behavior patterns
AnmaruSat, December 10, 2022 at 04:34 PM
Finding: Wanderer's A4 passive trigger and point consumption are client-side. The check for when Wanderer runs out of points is server-side.
Evidence: Upon disconnecting from the internet, the following occurs:
- https://youtu.be/K891O2VFAYc: Wanderer can proc and fire his A4 arrows. He also continues to drain points and stays in his Windfavored state even with none remaining.
- https://youtu.be/cTfaUebCV9Q: Wanderer is able to enter and manually exit his Windfavored state, demonstrating that the act of exiting is not server-side.
Significance: Better understanding of Windfavored state interactions with ping.
Evidence: Upon disconnecting from the internet, the following occurs:
- https://youtu.be/K891O2VFAYc: Wanderer can proc and fire his A4 arrows. He also continues to drain points and stays in his Windfavored state even with none remaining.
- https://youtu.be/cTfaUebCV9Q: Wanderer is able to enter and manually exit his Windfavored state, demonstrating that the act of exiting is not server-side.
Significance: Better understanding of Windfavored state interactions with ping.
Finding: Wanderer can gain the Descent effect and simultaneously fire off its arrows during a sprint animation. However, he does NOT benefit from the point reduction, i.e: he spends points to sprint (as this is deducted at the start of his sprint).
Evidence: https://youtu.be/RVEi5fSUEfc
Significance: Shows that the wind arrows are fired when Wanderer is in a sprint animation, rather than starting/inputting a sprint action.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/RVEi5fSUEfc
Significance: Shows that the wind arrows are fired when Wanderer is in a sprint animation, rather than starting/inputting a sprint action.
Zentras | Klee ConnoisseurSat, December 10, 2022 at 09:56 PM
Finding: Wanderer can stun the Aeonblight Drake AND he gets knocked back midair when the drake falls
Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw_I15n1WLw
Significance: doesn't force you to run bow eventho it faruzan is a thing
can knock you back into oblivion
Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw_I15n1WLw
Significance: doesn't force you to run bow eventho it faruzan is a thing
can knock you back into oblivion
AnmaruSun, December 11, 2022 at 12:43 AM
Continuation on exploring A4 trigger and E extension (with sprint)
Finding: Wanderer may sometimes [why?] not fire his A4 wind arrows after sprinting to extend his E duration. [1]
Theory (need further analysis): Wanderer does not fire arrows if the frames at which the arrows are to be fired occurs when he possesses no Kuugoryuku Points [3]. This cutoff frame may be dependent on ping as exiting his Windfavored state is server-side. [2]
Evidence: https://youtu.be/pcjWiLca_yA
[1] https://discord.com/channels/763583452762734592/1049884168164757595/1050165032647938145: Using sprint to extend E duration
[2] https://discord.com/channels/763583452762734592/1049884168164757595/1051174990554349678: Windfavored ping interactions
[3] https://discord.com/channels/763583452762734592/1049884168164757595/1051178388221603860: A4 Arrows firing mid sprint; theory by @727440149746679870
Significance: Shows that E extension using sprint may not provide combat benefit due to being unable to fire A4 arrows.
Finding: Wanderer may sometimes [why?] not fire his A4 wind arrows after sprinting to extend his E duration. [1]
Theory (need further analysis): Wanderer does not fire arrows if the frames at which the arrows are to be fired occurs when he possesses no Kuugoryuku Points [3]. This cutoff frame may be dependent on ping as exiting his Windfavored state is server-side. [2]
Evidence: https://youtu.be/pcjWiLca_yA
[1] https://discord.com/channels/763583452762734592/1049884168164757595/1050165032647938145: Using sprint to extend E duration
[2] https://discord.com/channels/763583452762734592/1049884168164757595/1051174990554349678: Windfavored ping interactions
[3] https://discord.com/channels/763583452762734592/1049884168164757595/1051178388221603860: A4 Arrows firing mid sprint; theory by @727440149746679870
Significance: Shows that E extension using sprint may not provide combat benefit due to being unable to fire A4 arrows.
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Magnus Artifex | Chiori C1 how?Sun, December 11, 2022 at 08:13 PM
Finding: Wanderer’s A1 buff indicators disappear visually at around 5 seconds into the Windfavored state, but the buffs remain.
Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/TuWbQav
Significance: it makes gameplay and rotations slightly harder to react to since you can’t know which buffs you have if you missed it during the first 5 seconds. It also triggers OCD.
Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/TuWbQav
Significance: it makes gameplay and rotations slightly harder to react to since you can’t know which buffs you have if you missed it during the first 5 seconds. It also triggers OCD.
AnmaruMon, December 12, 2022 at 03:47 PM
Finding: Wanderer can gain more height during his Windfavored state from holding Jump than tapping. This is done by releasing Jump before the ticking consumption for ascending begins.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/PCtUo3I_Owg
Significance: It is possible to use hold Jump to ascend higher than tap Jump without consuming additional points.
Use case: Wanderer Stagger Hold Ascension (Hydro Infusion) - currently the highest reaching combo we've found so far https://youtu.be/7UvOziLDAwc (see #1049951251124723842 for more)
Evidence: https://youtu.be/PCtUo3I_Owg
Significance: It is possible to use hold Jump to ascend higher than tap Jump without consuming additional points.
Use case: Wanderer Stagger Hold Ascension (Hydro Infusion) - currently the highest reaching combo we've found so far https://youtu.be/7UvOziLDAwc (see #1049951251124723842 for more)
kolibri._.Tue, December 13, 2022 at 10:39 PM
Finding: Wanderer frame counts
Significance: TCL stuff
Significance: TCL stuff
Wanderer - frames
0:00 CA - hitmark
0:08 CA (in E) - hitmark
0:19 Low Plunge - hitmark
0:29 E Initial - hitmark
0:38 A4 - hitmark
0:47 Q - hitmark
1:03 Q (in E) - hitmark
1:18 NA String (including N3 ➔ N1)
1:32 N1 ➔ CA
1:42 N1 ➔ E
1:49 N1 ➔ Q
1:54 N1 ➔ D
2:02 N1 ➔ J
2:11 N1 ➔ Walk
2:18 N1 ➔ Swap
2:26 N2 ➔ CA
2:37 N2 ➔ E
2:44 N2 ➔ Q
2:50 N2 ➔ D
2:58 N2 ➔ ...
0:08 CA (in E) - hitmark
0:19 Low Plunge - hitmark
0:29 E Initial - hitmark
0:38 A4 - hitmark
0:47 Q - hitmark
1:03 Q (in E) - hitmark
1:18 NA String (including N3 ➔ N1)
1:32 N1 ➔ CA
1:42 N1 ➔ E
1:49 N1 ➔ Q
1:54 N1 ➔ D
2:02 N1 ➔ J
2:11 N1 ➔ Walk
2:18 N1 ➔ Swap
2:26 N2 ➔ CA
2:37 N2 ➔ E
2:44 N2 ➔ Q
2:50 N2 ➔ D
2:58 N2 ➔ ...
Wanderer Frames
Trial 1,Trial 2,Trial 3
Release,N1,11,11,10,no hitlag,- Frames it takes to go from "Start of Animation of the action" to "Bright circle appears"
N2,6,6,6,no hitlag
N3-1,32,32,32,no hitlag
N3-2,41,41,41,no hitlag, counting from N3-1 Start
Hitmark,CA,34,34,34,no hitlag,- Frames it takes to...
Trial 1,Trial 2,Trial 3
Release,N1,11,11,10,no hitlag,- Frames it takes to go from "Start of Animation of the action" to "Bright circle appears"
N2,6,6,6,no hitlag
N3-1,32,32,32,no hitlag
N3-2,41,41,41,no hitlag, counting from N3-1 Start
Hitmark,CA,34,34,34,no hitlag,- Frames it takes to...
f99shiFri, December 23, 2022 at 09:51 PM
Finding: if you hug an enemy, both hits of wanderer's n3 will hit at the exact same frame. normally there is a short delay in between the 2 hits.
Significane: dont hug the enemy as wanderer or you will lose a a4 proc on your n3
Significane: dont hug the enemy as wanderer or you will lose a a4 proc on your n3
AnmaruSat, December 24, 2022 at 03:40 AM
Finding: Wanderer's Kuugoryuku Point drain rate while dashing and ascending is dependent on the client's frame rate. A higher frame rate will result in a higher drain rate.
Evidence: 60fps vs 30fps
https://youtu.be/OO3cWu_ttNs - Hover: no difference
https://youtu.be/jtE6qRMJxPw - Hold dash: relevant difference
https://youtu.be/yWH_zdUarVI - Hold jump (ascending): relevant difference, Hydro Infusion to reduce initial jump timing's influence on height
Significance: Why is this a thing someone pls test this on their side, but its been consistent for me. Lower your FPS setting to 30 if you want to maximise your distance travelled
Evidence: 60fps vs 30fps
https://youtu.be/OO3cWu_ttNs - Hover: no difference
https://youtu.be/jtE6qRMJxPw - Hold dash: relevant difference
https://youtu.be/yWH_zdUarVI - Hold jump (ascending): relevant difference, Hydro Infusion to reduce initial jump timing's influence on height
Significance: Why is this a thing someone pls test this on their side, but its been consistent for me. Lower your FPS setting to 30 if you want to maximise your distance travelled
raigonowoSun, December 25, 2022 at 02:50 PM
Finding: Wanderer's Interruption Resistance is highly increased while in his E activation.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/5PA0AnZOtLg
Significance: Might be useful against some enemies/situations, like exploding barrels for example.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/5PA0AnZOtLg
Significance: Might be useful against some enemies/situations, like exploding barrels for example.
MercuryMon, December 26, 2022 at 10:34 AM
Finding: Windfavored state expiry can disrupt the casting of N3.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/zRO25_KXaXU
Significance: What not to do at the end of combos as Wanderer. Is contrary to the other E extensions that have been reported by others as follows:
Ascend Extension: https://discord.com/channels/763583452762734592/1049884168164757595/1051888016051945473
CA Extension: https://discord.com/channels/763583452762734592/1049884168164757595/1050011357686267914
Sprint Extension: https://discord.com/channels/763583452762734592/1049884168164757595/1050165032647938145
(sidenote: I tried to repeat this with N1 and N2. N1 extends E by such a small number of frames it's probably not worth accounting for. I couldn't test N2 because player skill issue with timing my inputs. I'll post something for N1 on request.)
Evidence: https://youtu.be/zRO25_KXaXU
Significance: What not to do at the end of combos as Wanderer. Is contrary to the other E extensions that have been reported by others as follows:
Ascend Extension: https://discord.com/channels/763583452762734592/1049884168164757595/1051888016051945473
CA Extension: https://discord.com/channels/763583452762734592/1049884168164757595/1050011357686267914
Sprint Extension: https://discord.com/channels/763583452762734592/1049884168164757595/1050165032647938145
(sidenote: I tried to repeat this with N1 and N2. N1 extends E by such a small number of frames it's probably not worth accounting for. I couldn't test N2 because player skill issue with timing my inputs. I'll post something for N1 on request.)
emmausFri, January 13, 2023 at 11:40 PM
Finding: Wanderer's Plunge Attack doesn't startle NPCs
Evidence: https://youtu.be/I3P5TBp9fIw
Significance: Everyone forgets him.
Evidence: https://youtu.be/I3P5TBp9fIw
Significance: Everyone forgets him.
SpxxxSat, January 14, 2023 at 04:12 PM
Findings: Understanding BiS for Wanderer C6 and its interactions with the Echos artefacts
1. Understanding Echos (all discussion and experiments are based on 60fps, and ping < 20ms)
- What's Echos proc rate by theory?
50.2% proved via the Markov Chain model. However, since C6 Scara's additional attack and N2 & N3 may not trigger Echos simultaneously due to 0.2 cooldown, the actual proc rate would be lower than the expected value. That's why we need to carry out experiments.
- Tested on separated environments but Echos proc rate's distribution is consistent.
Ehos proc rate 42.27% averaging 40 runs.
2. Echos vs DPC
- As the number of hits may vary based on devices, we consider a few situations (considering a team with Bannett and Faruzan):
- C6R1
- 20% 8N3 Echos, 30% DPC 8N3 N2
- Echos 1.627 M > DPC 1.620 M
- 20% 8N3 N1 Echos, 30% DPC 8N3 N2
- Echos 1.686 M > DPC 1.620 M
- C6R5,
- 30% 8N3 N2 Echos, 40% DPC 9N3
- Echos 2.104 M > DPC 1.984 M
- 30% 8N3 N2 Echos, 40% DPC 9N3 N1
- Echos 2.104 M > DPC 2.050 M
3. How much would the ping influence the conclusion?
If ping's influence to proc rate is consistent from characters, I would recommend people (<60ms) using Echos; otherwise, DPC as Ayato's experiments show <60ms, proc rate is around 48%. >60ms proc rate starts falling.
4. Want to know the calculation details?
Check the doc I created for the details https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g5GmBxq8To0Nmld3njQQQF7OsXjtnIgWdqPQUc1-Grk/edit#gid=1375822898
1. Understanding Echos (all discussion and experiments are based on 60fps, and ping < 20ms)
- What's Echos proc rate by theory?
50.2% proved via the Markov Chain model. However, since C6 Scara's additional attack and N2 & N3 may not trigger Echos simultaneously due to 0.2 cooldown, the actual proc rate would be lower than the expected value. That's why we need to carry out experiments.
- Tested on separated environments but Echos proc rate's distribution is consistent.
Ehos proc rate 42.27% averaging 40 runs.
2. Echos vs DPC
- As the number of hits may vary based on devices, we consider a few situations (considering a team with Bannett and Faruzan):
- C6R1
- 20% 8N3 Echos, 30% DPC 8N3 N2
- Echos 1.627 M > DPC 1.620 M
- 20% 8N3 N1 Echos, 30% DPC 8N3 N2
- Echos 1.686 M > DPC 1.620 M
- C6R5,
- 30% 8N3 N2 Echos, 40% DPC 9N3
- Echos 2.104 M > DPC 1.984 M
- 30% 8N3 N2 Echos, 40% DPC 9N3 N1
- Echos 2.104 M > DPC 2.050 M
3. How much would the ping influence the conclusion?
If ping's influence to proc rate is consistent from characters, I would recommend people (<60ms) using Echos; otherwise, DPC as Ayato's experiments show <60ms, proc rate is around 48%. >60ms proc rate starts falling.
4. Want to know the calculation details?
Check the doc I created for the details https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g5GmBxq8To0Nmld3njQQQF7OsXjtnIgWdqPQUc1-Grk/edit#gid=1375822898
Moveset (T9),DMG% Bonuses,Weapons,CRIT Sources,Enemy DMG Modifiers
Move,MV,Multiplier,Effective MV,Source,NA,CA,A4,Burst,Source,Base ATK,ATK%,Source,CR%,CD%,Source
1-Hit,126.242%,1.51153,190.81857%,Anemo Goblet,46.60%,46.60%,46.60%,46.60%,LPSW,935.75,0.00%,Base,24.20%,50.00%,DEF (L100)
Moveset (T9),DMG% Bonuses,Weapons,CRIT Sources,Enemy DMG Modifiers
Move,MV,Multiplier,Effective MV,Source,NA,CA,A4,Burst,Source,Base ATK,ATK%,Source,CR%,CD%,Source
1-Hit,126.242%,1.51153,190.81857%,Anemo Goblet,46.60%,46.60%,46.60%,46.60%,LPSW,935.75,0.00%,Base,24.20%,50.00%,DEF (L100)
TiBotMon, January 16, 2023 at 04:23 PM
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