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KQM | Genshin Impact
11 messages
TiBotTue, August 30, 2022 at 02:12 AM
@ultimate.noob - As an author, it is your responsibility to complete the ticket

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Write-up Format
Theory/Finding/Bug: Title of your submission

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Significance: Conclusion
ultimate.noobTue, August 30, 2022 at 02:12 AM
You can apply hydro aura to Dvalin
You can now apply a hydro aura to Dvalin, Hu Tao vapes


Previously unable to apply hydro, now able. fluff
Mona Stormterror Dvalin | Genshin Impact
World Level 5. Replicating a CN player's Mona Vaporize setup. I take no credit for the setup and build, I'm simply just testing. You can refer to their Mona 500k original video here:

Here is the breakdown of how the debuffs and buffs work, when stacked together.
Here’s an old vid
You can see dvalin has no hydro aura
Bcs it can’t be applied
TiBotTue, August 30, 2022 at 02:32 AM
Ticket closed by @ultimate.noob. If there are any issues with it - it can be reopened by the owner or staff by using the buttons below or /open.
Ticket verified by @effab1e
Ticket verified by @whale role
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